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Financial Secretary


Rev. Emmett S. Young, III is a native of the Washington Area.  He has been licensed to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ since November of 1999 at Mt. Sinai Baptist Church and ordained March of 2008 at Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church.  Rev. Dr. Young received his Bachelor of Science degree from Towson University in August of 2000 and received a Master of Divinity degree from the School of Theology at Virginia Union University in May of 2006 and a Doctor of Ministry Degree from The Interdenominational Theological Center in May of 2019.


Rev. Dr. Young has been blessed to serve at churches in the areas of Children/Youth Ministry, Young Adult Ministry, Church Administration and Christian Education and was the twelfth pastor Loyal Baptist Church in Danville, VA.


He currently serves as the Senior Pastor of Gethsemane Baptist Church, a.k.a., “The Garden”. Rev. Dr. Young is also blessed to have a loving family comprised of his wife Karletta and sons Emmett and Zachary.


Rev. Dr. Young’s strong desire is to obey and follow God's divine plan in his life, standing on 1 Peter 2:9,"Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye should show forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."

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