Morning Manna ~ Monthly Prayer Call Every 1st Tuesday of the Month
7:00 a.m. via ZOOM Meeting ID: 895 1777 5201 Passcode: 879568​​​
Clergy Conversations: Pastoral Compensation
February 22~10:00 a.m.-Noon In-person only
Hosted by The New Macedonia Baptist Church~ Washington, DC
Disaster Relief for California
Join the BCDCV Home Mission Department
Bring Disaster Relief for California
Give what you can!
By check or Scan QR code to give electronically

Rev. Dr. Andre D. Ivy,
Convention President
Reverend Dr. André D. Ivy is a devoted leader with over decades of experience providing spiritual leadership, community engagement, and visionary guidance. His mission-oriented approach has impacted congregations and communities. Dr. Ivy is known for his ability to inspire growth, cultivate unity, and foster faith-centered service.